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Camacho & Vivo


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Your best defense

The Partner and Director of the firm, the legal Nidia CAMACHO, has extensive and successful experience in processing MARRIAGE ECCLESIASTICAS ANNULEMENTS. Since CAMACHO & VIVO previously Lawyers advises our clients the real possibilities of obtaining a favorable ruling on the invalidity. If you consider that there is any reason why the marriage took place can be considered invalid, our customers can rely on their experience because from CAMACHO & VIVO Lawyers charge of processing the relevant ecclesiastical court.
The causes of nullity can be divided into three groups: those impediments (external circumstances that make it impossible to marry such as impotence, the existence of a previous marriage, consanguinity, etc.); vices of consent (internal jurisdiction of the circumstances affecting the determination of who to marry and make this invalid); and defects form (on the formalities to be followed by a valid marriage contract).

We also advise our customers about the RISE OF "VETITUM", ie the prohibition to enter a new marriage, the tenor canon1684.1 can prevail in the judgment of the invalidity of one or both parties in cases where the court has the certainty, or even doubts about the validity of the subsequent marriage, if any, the person may enter marriage has been declared null and void.